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Is the UN Becoming Irrelevant?

As wars, humanitarian crises, and other global problems mount, many around the world worry that the United Nations is increasingly incapable of organizing effective multilateral responses. Fortunately, there is no shortage of proposals for reforms that could make it fit for purpose once again.

PS Quarterly regularly features predictions by experts on a topic of global concern. In a world beset by climate change and biodiversity loss, new wars and geopolitical conflicts, disruptive technologies, mounting debts, and many other transnational problems, everyone recognizes (at least in principle) the need for stronger global governance. Yet these same problems have underscored the shortcomings of the world’s premier multilateral body, the United Nations. Notwithstanding all the important good work that the UN system does, from providing immunizations to sheltering refugees, even some of the organization’s staunchest advocates acknowledge that it is in urgent need of reform. In light of recent global developments, we asked contributors whether they agree or disagree with the following proposition:
