The Middle Kingdom’s Middle Class
There are compelling demographic, geographic, and broadly cultural reasons for China's spectacular success in the three decades since the lauch of Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms. But surely China’s success has depended on that of its entrepreneurs – and their deeply rooted patterns of activity.
HONG KONG -- Why has China succeeded so spectacularly in the span of just three decades since the launch of Deng Xiaoping’s economic reforms? The reasons that are usually cited are China’s compelling demographic, geographic, and broad cultural factors. What is less understood is that China’s success has also depended on its entrepreneurs – and their deeply rooted patterns of activity.
HONG KONG -- Why has China succeeded so spectacularly in the span of just three decades since the launch of Deng Xiaoping’s economic reforms? The reasons that are usually cited are China’s compelling demographic, geographic, and broad cultural factors. What is less understood is that China’s success has also depended on its entrepreneurs – and their deeply rooted patterns of activity.