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How Italy Can Green “La Bella Vita”

The European Union's new COVID-19 recovery fund gives Italy an opportunity to build a stronger and more resilient post-pandemic economy. But realizing this potential will require fundamental changes in economic policymaking and implementation, underpinned by Italians' broad consensus in favor of fast and deep decarbonization.

ROME – Italy was the first European country to implement a COVID-19 lockdown, and subsequently it managed the summer months relatively well. But we are now seeing the effects of a second wave, similar to that in other European countries, and we cannot let our guard down.

Italians are doing their best to deal with this deadly crisis, wearing masks everywhere and, for the most part, respecting restrictions. We cannot let our sacrifices go to waste by returning to our pre-pandemic normality.

Italy now has an opportunity to build a stronger, greener, and more resilient post-pandemic economy, buoyed by higher employment and improved public health. By emphasizing the health and well-being of its people, the country can continue to set a global example as it prepares to assume the G20 presidency and co-host the United Nations’ COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in 2021.