Big Green Jobs Machine

The world has experienced great economic transformations throughout history: the industrial revolution, the technology revolution, the era of globalization. We are now on the threshold of another – the age of green economics – which promises to bring the growth, jobs, and prosperity that we now so desperately need.

NEW YORK – Amid the pressures of the global financial crisis, some ask how we can afford to tackle climate change. The better question is: how can we afford not to?

Put aside the familiar arguments – that the science is clear, that climate change represents an indisputable existential threat to the planet, and that every day we do not act the problem grows worse. Instead, let us make the case purely on bread-and-butter economics.

At a time when the global economy is sputtering, we need growth. At a time when unemployment in many nations is rising, we need new jobs. At a time when poverty threatens to overtake hundreds of millions of people, especially in the least developed parts of the world, we need the promise of prosperity. This possibility is at our fingertips.