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europe-security_Lionel_Bonaventure_AFP_Getty_Images Lionel Bonaventure/AFP/Getty Images

Europe’s Missing Security

Exactly one year after German Chancellor Angela famously observed that, "We Europeans truly have to take our fate into our own hands,” the European Union has made little headway in bolstering the bloc's security. It turns out that the details of joint defense still matter β€“ even in the face of existential threats.

Featured in this Big Picture

  1. Adam ToozeAdam Tooze
  2. Shahin ValléeShahin Vallée
  3. Joschka FischerJoschka Fischer
  4. Hans-Werner SinnHans-Werner Sinn
  5. Dominique MoisiDominique Moisi
  6. Ana PalacioAna Palacio

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